Lake Christopher Homes Association
Lake Christopher Homes Association



We're still searching for hard copies from the very beginning, 1975 - 1979.  As most of the community was still under construction during this time I'm not sure what I'll find.



The Legacy Archive - Blasts from the Past!


If you've navigated to this page, you're probably looking for very early editions of the newsletter.  Well, so are we!   

While the May/June 1981 edition of the LCHA Newsletter is oldest in our archive, we have reason to believe there were newsletters published before then, and still others that would fill gaps in our records.  We’re hoping copies of these old issues survived, perhaps in a box in someone's attic, or in the back of a closet! 


If you are one of the many original or 'first years' owners living in the community, you may have an early newsletter or two in a folder with documents from the early days.  Even if you’re a newer member of the community, one of those boxes of papers may have been left behind by a previous owner for you to discover!  If you find anything, please contact the editor!  We’d love to scan whatever you have.

visitors since 31 May 2021  |  updated 31 May 2021

Click for information on 50th Anniversary celebrations

The Legacy Newsletter

Summer 2024 Edition online now!


  • Thur, Jul 4, 2024 Patriotic Parade, July 4th Picnic
  • Mon, July15, 2024 LCHA Board Meeting
  • Tues, Aug 6, 2024 National Night Out
  • Mon, Aug 19, 2024 LCHA Board Meeting
  • Mon, Sep 16, 2024 LCHA Board Meeting
  • Sat, Oct 5, 2024 Fall Community Yard Sale
  • Mon, Oct 21, 2024 LCHA Board Meeting
  • Mon, Nov 18, 2024 LCHA Board Meeting
  • Mon, Dec 16, 2024 LCHA Board Meeting

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